

This site has all the information you’ll need to join us for a weekend of celebration in Maryland.


The Origin of Jam

By Sam

They met online.

The rest, as they say, is history.

The Proposal

Sam was setting up security cameras at the Jam house, and he excitedly told Jen to check out a camera he'd set up in a tree in the backyard. Jen obliged, wanting to be supportive of his efforts, and so she walked over to the tree camera. She spent a good amount of time staring at the tree camera, appreciating his work, and meanwhile, the camera was able to capture Sam pacing behind her nervously. It was all part of his grand plan, to get it all recorded via tree camera. So when Jen finally turned around, Sam got down on one knee, but unbeknownst to him, the camera footage suddenly cut off. The reason? Sam forgot to change the settings on the camera to record longer than one minute. So how did Jen respond? 

To be continued...

Ring + Pokémon card

Added to Jen's custom card collection

The last scene

Before the camera cut off

Happy faces!

At least we got a selfie

Jen + Sam = Jam


Thank Sam for this website